True Justice

True Justice

The Bible tells us in Zechariah 7:9 to administer True Justice.  I find it striking that there may be such a thing as “false justice” implicated in this statement.  In this teaching I discuss what true justice and false justice are.  I discuss the difference between them and how they can be recognized.

I also explain three arenas in life that we can be sure that true justice has its proper place:

  1. Spiritual Justice – an inward reality
  2. Personal Justice – an interpersonal reality
  3. Social Justice – an outward necessity

In spiritual justice I explain the legal aspects of what Christ did for us in the courtroom of heaven.

In personal justice I discuss a trap that many of us often fall into of battling for “fairness” over true justice in our interpersonal relationships, and how that can affect our view-point on true justice in other areas of life.

Finally, in social justice I talk about the fact that many modern social justice movements are designed, at their foundation, to actually deceive and  lead people away from the truth, and I discuss exactly why the Bible tells us to administer “true justice”.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.  You can listen to the attached audio and/or read the PDF notes, and let me know what you think below in the comments.


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