The Disciples’ Prayer Series – Part 3
After Jesus uses the word Father in the disciples’ prayer, a word that expresses great intimacy, affection, and acceptance in God, He immediately uses a phrase that makes God completely untouchable: In Heaven. Why the great disparity?
On the one hand, we seem invited to accept God as absolutely close and accessible. On the other hand, he is lifted into the cosmos. Ineffable. Unreachable.
How are we supposed to manage such a dichotomy in our daily lives? How do we wrap our theology around a God who is both so imminent and transcendent?
This teaching attempts to give some biblical clarity around these two ideas about God, and shows how–for the believer–God being “In Heaven” doesn’t put him so far away as we may have thought; although, His worthiness of being highly exalted is not diminished in the least.
We will come to this conclusion by looking at scriptures that answer the following questions:
- What is Heaven?
- What does that make God?
- How do we approach Him?
- What is our position with the God In Heaven?
I think you’ll enjoy this message. You can read the attached notes and listen to the audio above. Feel free to “like” this post below and leave your comments. I’d love to hear your thoughts.